Social Sciences

Low-income and its Impacts on Vulnerable People

A short answer describing how does low-come impact vulnerable people

6 years ago

Japan’s susceptibility to natural disasters

The majority of Japan’s natural disasters come about as a result of tectonic activity. This includes the direct effects of…

6 years ago

Classical and operant conditioning

A short answer defining the differences between classical and operant conditioning

6 years ago


A short definition of DSM-IV

6 years ago

Domestic Coercive Control and the Law

A consideration of whether UK and Welsh law against coercive control contribute to the empowerment and security of women and…

6 years ago

Sociological research paradigms

The positivist method is based on a natural sciences worldview which assumes that everything follows universal rules and laws. It…

6 years ago

What are service users’/carers’ expectations of social workers?

The relationship between social workers and the people they work with can be critical to delivering effective social work interventions...

6 years ago

Challenges and pathways for sustainability

challenges and pathways for sustainability

6 years ago

What do a priori and a posteriori mean?

These are both Latin phrases that are used to describe different types of justification for assertions.

6 years ago

Act and rule consequentialism

'Consequentialism' is a term which encapsulates a range of moral theories with one thing in common: that moral decisions should…

6 years ago