Social Sciences

Intensive Interaction

Intensive Interaction is a therapeutic technique which was developed by staff at Harperbury hospital in the 1980s in order to…

5 years ago

What are some examples of mores and taboo in Canadian society?

A short answer describing modern taboo in Canadian society.

5 years ago

Social Work Intervention in Alcoholic Parents

A brief description of the most appropriate social work interventions for a child with alcoholic parents.

5 years ago

Falsifiability and sociology

The challenge of distinguishing between what is scientific and what is not scientific is referred to as the demarcation problem.…

5 years ago

Nature vs. nurture

A short answer detailing the nature vs. nurture debate

5 years ago

Distinguish between Final Deduction System and Pay As You Earn system

Pay As You Earn system is how employees pay income tax as well as national insurance.

5 years ago

What is Quasi Experimental design?

Question What is Quasi-experimental design? Answer What is quasi-experimental design? A quasi experimental study aims to demonstrate causality between an…

5 years ago

The human psyche

A short definition of the three parts of the human psyche, as proposed by Sigmund Freud

6 years ago

Gender and international development

The term gender is used to refer to the existence of socially constructed gender roles within society, which encompass the…

6 years ago

Model Management Subsystem

Strategic, tactical, operational and analytical models

6 years ago