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How can we improve care for vulnerable population members and prevent them from continuing to experience harm?

Info: 313 words (1 pages) Nursing and Healthcare Question
Published: 11th Feb 2020

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How can we improve care for vulnerable population members and prevent them from continuing to experience harm?


A range of recent reports in the UK have highlighted problems in health and social care services oriented toward vulnerable population members. Examples include the denial of personal liberties in adult community based care settings, a lack of equity and abuses towards children and orphans, and poor equity and service provision for the mentally ill. These issues affect not just these vulnerable population groups, but the entire credibility and quality of the UK’s health and social care system. The reason these issues continue to occur is not entirely clear, but it is apparent that greater transparency is needed within these social services to both prevent such problems and to castigate those health and social care professionals responsible for their occurrence. Additionally, heightened accountability for actions and abuses committed against vulnerable population members is needed to deter these actions and to promote a higher level of trust in the UK’s health and social care system. A lack of trust is one factor hindering access and equity of care for immigrant population members. Unfortunately, a failure to promote equity for all population members has the potential to adversely impact both natural and non-natural citizens due to risks associated with communicable disease. Any actions committed against vulnerable population members have the potential to adversely impact all facets of health and social care and represent a threat to the quality and integrity of the entire system. Future efforts will be needed to promote transparency within health and social services oriented toward vulnerable population members and to promote greater quality assurance and accountability.



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