Construction and Engineering

Environmental impacts of aviation industry on local communities

The industry impacts the natural environment and opposition to runway expansion is largely due to the impacts of air traffic…

6 years ago

Why does poor performance in the construction industry matter?

The fluctuations have a major impact on employment in the industry which adversely affects national unemployment figures and skills in…

6 years ago

Discuss the argument for and against Hinckley Point nuclear plant

The UK government is committed through the Climate Change Act 2008 and international agreements to reducing carbon emissions by 80%…

6 years ago

Causes of the Housing Crisis in London

This answer details the various causes of the London housing crisis, with a focus on the lack of affordable and…

6 years ago

Aeroelastic Flutter Observed in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This answer describes the process of aeroelastic flutter and how it was instrumental in the collapse of the tacoma narrows…

6 years ago

Construction of Schools in the UK

This answer explores off-site manufacturing and Modern Methods of Construction and how these can be applied to schools in the…

6 years ago

Sustainability Within The Construction Industry

Sustainability is becoming a large factor within the construction industry, as issues regarding climate change and over population become more…

6 years ago

Building Information Modelling in the UK Construction Industry

This answer explores the use of digital technology in the UK construction industry with a focus on Building Information Modelling

6 years ago

Concurrent Engineering vs. Traditional Development

The traditional development method can be improved with use a collaborative multi-disciplinary team in the concurrent engineering method.

6 years ago

Recommendations for future plan of Dubai city

How Dubai can achieve sustainability in its future plan

6 years ago