Business and Management

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is the process of marketing your product or service through social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook…

7 years ago

How might the UK benefit from economic re-engagement and investment in Iran?

UK benefits from economic re-engagement and investment in Iran.

7 years ago

Corporate Governance at KFC

Information about the corporate governance of Yum! Brands and its subsidiary, KFC.

7 years ago

The roles of internal and external change agents

Internal and external change agent roles

7 years ago

Is Indian Railways a true monopoly?

The Indian Railways firm is a state-owned railway transport provider that operates India’s rail network. It is one of the…

7 years ago

What is Business Intelligence (BI)? How can business intelligence provide a competitive advantage?

Business Intelligence is the term given to the gathering and analysis of information by a business. This is usually

7 years ago

Potential Impacts of Brexit on British Businesses

A short answer detailing the potential impact Brexit may have on British businesses.

7 years ago

The Difference Between Swedish and Indian Business Culture

This short discussion explains the differences and similarities between Swedish and Indian business culture.

7 years ago

Differences between human resource management and personnel management

Definition of HRM development and how it differs from personnel management.

7 years ago

The Rise of Retail Spending in the UK Despite an Initial Sharp Dip Since Brexit

This short answer analyses the rise of retail spending in the UK despite an initial sharp dip since Brexit.

7 years ago